The UC Davis CounterACT Center’s Emerging Science and Scientists Pilot Project Program funds 1 year projects (limited to $30,000) to new or established investigators seeking to enter the field of medical countermeasure research and with a pilot project related to the UC Davis CounterACT Center’s focus. Awardees will become part of the UC Davis CounterACT community by attending and participating in monthly Center investigator meetings/workshops during the academic year. The pilot project program is part of overall mission of the NIH CounterACT Program, which is to identify improved medical countermeasures against chemical threats. The next submission cycle is July 2025.
Early stage and established investigators new to medical countermeasures and chemical threat agent research. An early stage investigator is someone who has completed their terminal research degree or end of post-graduate clinical training, whichever date is later, within the past 10 years.
1. Five page application (excluding references) with the following:
- Project Title
- Specific Aims
- Significance of the Research
- Relevance to Goals and Mission of the Center - including justification of how pilot funding will help the investigator develop an independently funded project in countermeasure research.
- Innovation of the Research
- Experimental Design - rationale, methods (including analytic plan and sample size justification/power calculation), anticipated results, potential pitfalls
2. Biosketch (NIH format)
3. Proposed budget and justification - not to exceed $30,000 and limited to direct costs, including salaries for personnel other than the PI, supplies, equipment at or no more than 25% of the total budget, travel capped at $1000.
4. Relevant IRB or IACUC approvals or pending approvals.
5. Upload as a single pdf file.
Contact Suzette Smiley-Jewell, PhD, CounterACT Scientific Program Manager or Tracey Fernandez, CounterACT Program Analyst